Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The End is Near

I stole this from a totally random blog today, but it pretty much sums up my view of the whole bailout/nationalization/financial bullshittery currently mucking up our economy.

I spent this weekend at a beach house in San Clemente with some friends from college -- some I see about once a month, and a few I probably haven't caught up with for 20 years. I was reminded why it's depressing to go back to any kind of reunion -- it's hard to see how people have changed from how you remember them. Lenore, Tish, Gene and I seem to have aged pretty well (of course, would you expect anything less?)-- the rest looked like they've spent the last 20 years eating nothing but Doritos and Crisco while lying on a couch somewhere in a dark room. And it's really unnerving when people's kids start to resemble what they looked like in college. I might have welcomed a nice little bong hit or two for old times' sake, but god forbid I should end up hitting on someone's eighteen year old son.

My parents graduated college in 1961 -- I wonder if they thought the world had gone to hell in a handbasket 20 years later? If it weren't for the fact that if I think too long about what may transpire in 2009 I feel the need to drink heavily, I would welcome the end of 2008. I just hope we all make it through next year with a roof over our heads.

Boy, I'm a cheery little Pollyanna today, aren't I?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi polly...

mmmmm, crisco. let's cover some in cheese and deep-fry it. then we can all hop in the pt cruiser and go to walmart.