Sunday, March 15, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

I decided today that I run so I can drink red wine and eat Ben & Jerry's without guilt.

And so that I don't kill anyone, like my husband. And so that I can maintain the ass of a 26 year old (which kinda goes along with the red wine/ice cream thing). Plus I'm incredibly productive after a run, which is a total bonus. Plus, now that I have the iPod (which I also have not killed yet) I get to listen to anything I want at ear-splitting decibals. Single people have no idea what I'm talking about, but moms everywhere are nodding their heads. Which reminds me that there is no David Byrne on my baby yet, which is a total sin of omission. I'll have to get on that (twss).

My musical world has now been categorized into straight running songs, hill songs, and cool-down songs. For example, Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah would be a good hill song. The Uninvited's Is That Me is a flat-out sprint. REM's The River is a cool-down masterpiece. I'm sure that somewhere there are good sex songs, but I've forgotten what those are.

I'm really excited today because I ran 4 miles, finished a really big presentation for next week, and have been working on a short story that started out as a scene in my novel. I really like how it's going - I really just need about 4-6 more hours in the day. It's a good thing it's not the 80s anymore or I'd probably be getting into coke right about now.

Instead, I'm going to have some Tomaresco and B&J. ..don't mind me.


Anonymous said...

too bad, I was looking for a woman with the ass of a 24 year old. damn.

Tuesday said...

God I hate it when I'm ever the tinest bit too old...

Anonymous said...

but will you still say you're 18?