Monday, March 30, 2009

So...about that vacation

How guilty do I have to feel about taking a vacation that probably ought to be a romantic trip...except it's with one of my friends instead of my husband?

I think if we were doing well I wouldn't be so conflicted about this. Well, maybe I would because that's just what I do. But I have been on the website all evening, just...lusting...(there's no other word for it)...after the resort and the beach and the potential experience. Oh, BodyHoliday, I must have you!

A long-standing friend of mine with who got me addicted to Canyon Ranch is now trying to corrupt me...I mean persuade me to go with her earlier this summer to Body Holiday in St. Lucia. This place is unbelievable -- it's gorgeous, you can work out, go to the beach, get a massage, drink high-end liquor, and generally be as healthy/active or as indulgent/slug-like as you want in a totally hedonistic environment. No kids.

Can I repeat that - no kids.

I want to go. But I'm having trouble justifying this. Maybe because I'm going to Canyon Ranch in August, and the idea of two spa vacations in one year is just the tiniest bit hyper-indulgent, even for me. Maybe because I'm feeling like I'm selfish for wanting this trip for myself alone -- even though my husband is going to his reunions, to Cabo, and to Denver on his own "guy trips." Maybe because I knowthat it's not a good sign that I'm more interested in going on this trip with my friend than I would be in going with my husband. But my therapist thinks I should go (I love him) -why can't I just get on board with this?

Please, please, please let me get what I want. (Or have I forgotten the lyric? I can't be that old.) Maybe...stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that slug-like hedonistic suntan lotion they provide you with there will wipe away any leftover guilt you might be feeling...and if that doesn't work, the tequila will.
